Frequently Asked Questions
The section below is designed to answer common questions from patients and their families.
Please keep the following in mind:
Be mindful of your treatment time. We try to run on schedule. A patient is scheduled every fifteen minutes, so if emergencies arise we may get behind. Also, we go by treatment time and not by the time that you arrive. If you have waited more than 15 minutes past your scheduled treatment time, please let the receptionist know.
If you have blood work in another office, please bring us a copy of the results. This will save you from having your blood checked twice. For those patients receiving both chemotherapy and radiation therapy, your blood levels may get low, and you will have to rest from radiation treatment. Also, if your other doctors have ordered any tests or x-rays, please let us know so that we can get the results.
If you have an appointment with another doctor, please let the techs know the day before, and we can reschedule your treatment time so that you can make both appointments.
If you are having any problems, please tell the techs or ask to speak to one of the nurses, and they will let the doctor know so that we can give you the care you need.